Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Street Corner

You know what I'm talking about... even if you think you don't.

You hear what I hear
You see what I see
You taste what I taste
Who are you? You're me

You stand on a corner
I stand on another
We might be the same
But I'll be some other

The money is right
You flag who you see
I do the same now
But it's not who I'll be

You think I will stay
I don't have a plan
I'm just biding my time
Take the step when I can

What's holding me back?
Part of me is you
I am tearing it out
But till then I will do

what I have been taught
to make it somehow
Passing the days
The time is not now

That moment will come
That day will dawn
You're still on the corner
And me? I am gone.